Most importantly, I got a job! It is with Mile High Youth Corps, which I mentioned in the last post. I heard back about a week after my interview and went in for a second one on Wednesday. After that interview, I felt very confident about getting the job because I had to fill out paperwork for a background check and go in for a drug test. On Friday I got a call telling me that I was being considered for another position, called ACLC. That stands for AmeriCorps Leadership & Conservation corpsmember. Basically, it is similar to the regular corpsmember position, except that there is more responsibility and there is more involvement with the organization. That sounded really cool to me because I would get to do the outdoor work and also lead some projects and get more involved! The main concern with this position, however, is that it is filled in Denver already so I would have to work out of the Colorado Springs office, which is about 60 miles away. I had a phone interview on Monday for the ACLC position, and was told I would hear in a few more days. Apparently though, the woman I interviewed with called to get some of my files from the Denver office and they realized there was a decision to be made because both offices wanted to hire me! So I ended up getting a call right away explaining the situation. I ended up deciding to take the position in Colorado Springs because not only is it a more well-rounded program, but it is also a 6 month term rather than a 3 month term (that I would have done in the other position). Accepting this job meant that I was going to be doing a big commute- I wouldn't be able to take the train or bus there. So, we had to do something about that!
On Saturday, we decided to start looking at cars for me. I didn't have the job yet (although I essentially knew that I did), but we wanted to get a head start. We first went to look at Smart Cars! We wanted to find something sensible and with great gas mileage, and Smart cars have the best rate and price for a non-hybrid or electric car. The dealer near us with smart cars is actually a Mercedes-Benz dealer, and it was pretty fancy! We worked with a really nice gal and we got to test drive a smart car. It was pretty fun, cute, and, of course, tiny! We couldn't make a final decision yet, since I didn't for sure have a job yet, so we decided to come back later. Meanwhile, Ben had been doing some research comparing different small and efficient cars. He came across one called the Scion IQ that looked pretty neat! We didn't know much about it as it was just released within the last year, but we decided to check it out. It has the best gas mileage next to the Smart car (it's pretty darn close actually), a comparable price, and has a ton more features, comfort, and is safer. Also, it's just way more cool!
We went to the Toyota/Scion dealer on Monday and worked with a really awesome dude. He was one of the youngest employees there and we were some of the youngest customers they've had, so we got along great. We got to test drive an IQ and we totally loved it! It is small, but slightly larger than the Smart car. There is actually a back seat to it, although we wouldn't put anyone we like back there longer than a few minutes. It handled a lot better and was much more comfortable. It also comes with really cool features like bluetooth phone and music, hd radio, fog lights, and essentially a gazillion airbags. In the Smart car, we would have had to upgrade just to get a radio, air conditioning, and power windows and locks. After getting a quote pretty close to what we got for the Smart car, we were pretty much sold. We deliberated a bit and decided to lease one. We obviously can't afford to buy a new car, and buying used from a dealer or otherwise wouldn't have worked either because we just don't have cash we could have paid upfront. Leasing is more expensive in the long run, but it makes sense for us right now. Anyway, we had a choice of dark purple or silver for the car, but we decided to ask if there were any more colors available, just in case. We were in luck! The sister dealership had a "hot lava" orange one that could be transferred over. So, we did all the paperwork on Monday, and picked up our spicy orange car on Tuesday! This one actually has even more features than the others we had seen, such as 7 colors of interior accent lights! It is pretty silly, but also awesome. I've always wanted a purple light to shine on my feet while driving! Sure.
Ok, so two more things about our awesome car. The main thing is that even though it is only 10 feet long, it is actually quite spacious. I get uncomfortable in cars really easily, but this one has enough space in front that I could even cross my legs in the front seat and not be uncomfortable or in the way of the driver. It is a tiny car, but it doesn't feel too tiny to drive or be in- basically they just chopped off everything behind the front seats. The other sweet thing about it is the turn radius of 12.9 feet. Considering the size of the car and comparing it to the turn radius- there isn't much difference, is there. This means that you can turn on a dime and do awesome doughnuts in the parking lot and feel like you are spinning on a stationary axis. This is way fun, and a little scary when Ben does it really fast! Now, we are just trying to think of a name for it; let me know if you have any ideas!
We have also been up to other, slightly less exciting things, too.
Before I found out about my job (and for many months before), we had been working on getting a dog. We have gone to the shelter a few times and met a few cute ones! We almost took one home in April, but it was right before Bill left on his work trip to Hawaii, so he didn't want to get a dog and then just ditch it. I almost talked Ben into getting a different dog more recently, but we knew we didn't have the funds to take care of it and for the increase in rent. Unfortunately, now we are realizing that a dog is even less feasible that we previously thought. Once I start working, I'll be working long days on top of a long commute and might be doing some travel and be gone for up to a week at a time. Meanwhile, Bill has been gone and may often be gone/ working long hours over the summer and Ben has also been working a ton and even overnight as well. There might be days at a time where there wouldn't be anyone in the house to take care of a dog :( Now, I am thinking I might be able to talk them into getting a cat at least! We'll see...
I had another fun shopping trip with Ashley a couple weekends ago! She had done some shopping on her own and returned the cowboy boots (aww), but bought the final pair of wedding shoes (yay)! I met up with her downtown where she was at a bridal shop trying on her entire wedding ensemble- she had just gotten her veil and now she could finally see the pieces all together! It looked great and she looked beautiful! We then proceeded to have a great time shopping and wandering around down town and then at the mall. Ben had been working that weekend, but once he got off, he called us and said he was heading over to a coworker's house for a crawfish boil and that we were invited! It was a fun party even though we didn't know anyone and the food was delicious once you got over the creepiness!
In between car shopping, Ben and I finally got to go hiking this weekend! We have been itching to go for months now, but Ben has just been so busy with work! We ended up going to a beautiful place called Roxborough State Park. It is about 45 minutes south of us, and it is sort of at the base of the mountains. There were amazing, huge, red rock formations all over, and we hiked up the big peak in the park and only made it back to the car right after the park had closed! The ranger actually had to let us out, oops! It was a very fast but still very fun hike. I want to go back again soon- it was so beautiful! It also showed me that I should work out some more to get in better shape for my job! If you'd like to see some more pictures I put some on my facebook and deviantart pages.
Well, I have a few days before my job starts on the 9th. I think I'll spend it driving around in my new car, and also taking care of the house before I start work and won't have time to anymore or I'll be too exhausted to do it! Bill is still in Hawaii and will be for a while yet. Ben might be going back to California soon, but I'm hoping he'll be able to stay (or come back before) til I get settled into my job!
Thanks for reading!
I'm horrible at keeping up with these things but a friendly reminder on facebook was great! (not that I keep up with that either, but...) I'm so happy for you, sounds like things are comiong together for you. Hope you have a place you can stay in the Springs if the weather gets bad-in several months from now. I think the dog decision is a good one-not fair to a dog to be left alone that long. Is there a chance that your job could extend either in the Springs or there in Denver? Again- congrats on everything! Will we see any of you in June? I know Aunt Sarah and Thomas will be here. ttyl,xoxo to all of you!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely a red letter week to go with an almost red car!
Cousin Craig & Michelle live in Franktown, I believe. They are fun & could be a landing spot should u get "stuck". Altho, the weather shuld be pretty good for the next 6 months.